Meiko – Between the Sheets

The lyrics used in the song “Between the Sheets” by Meiko draws an interesting parallel, in my view, of how ones internal voice or dialogue can take place and what sometimes takes hold of ones thoughts within the flicking lights of a pixel environment; like what can be created in a place like Second Life. Now I’m sure Ms Meiko didn’t give a thought at all to digital types of environments or online interactions when she wrote this song. The choices between what is real and touchable within a real life experience and what takes places within ones mind eye and a portal into a digital type of environment between distance strangers I find most interesting and how it relates to the lyrics in this song.

“Lights on? Why? What are you afraid of? A secret? Really?”

Secrets that get lost in the flow of the digital stream when the flicking lights of the screen gets turned off!

Listen, enjoy and digitize!

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